The production mechanism for enhancing recovery of depleted heavy oil reservoir with hot water flooding by adding nitrogen and surfactant was investigated. 利用物理模拟实验和油藏数值模拟技术,研究了稠油油藏蒸汽吞吐后期转热水添加氮气化学剂泡沫驱提高稠油采收率的开采机理;
The matching technologies of rebuilding underground gas storages on the depleted oil and gas reservoirs It is not essential to build a storage or impounding reservoir if the water can be stored in the ground. 利用枯竭油气藏建设地下储气库工程的配套技术如果能将水储存在地下,就没有必要建造水库或蓄水池。
Prediction of Production Decline of Depleted Reservoir and Its Application 衰竭式开发油藏产量递减规律预测方法及应用
In recent years, with the extensive application of underbalanced drilling technology and exploitation of depleted reservoir, snubbing operation became more and more general. 近年来随着欠平衡钻井技术的广泛应用和老井不断挖潜、开发,不压井起下钻作业的应用也越来越广泛。
This paper presents a new method to predict the CO_2 storing capacity for a constant-volume depleted gas reservoir through constructing a analogous CO_2 gas reservoir according to the material balance law of gas reservoir. 根据气藏物质平衡原理,通过类比构建与烃类气藏相似的CO2气藏,提出了一种预测定容衰竭气藏CO2储集能力的简单方法。
A Simple Prediction Method of CO_2 Storing Capacity for Constant-Volume Depleted Gas Reservoir after Being Rebuilt into a CO_2 Gas Storage Field 定容衰竭气藏CO2储集能力预测方法
The oil bearing area of bottom water reservoir is in contact with bottom water entirely, so, the depleted energy due to development can be supplied by the bottom water during the development of bottom water reservoir. 底水油藏具有含油面积全部与底水接触的特点,因而在底水油藏开发过程中,底水一方面能够及时补充原油开采时所消耗的地层能量;
Storing CO_2 by depleted gas reservoir can effectively solve the problem of CO_2 emissions and improve the recovery of gas reservoir at the same time. 利用衰竭气藏储集CO2可有效解决CO2释放问题并同时提高气藏采收率。